Yuki Shafer’s amazing and brilliantly detailed work explores mental health and identity…
Read More“The middle is a beautifully challenging place to exist, to never feel fully comfortable or seen…”
Read More“I hope through my creation viewers can find solidarity and confirmation, that whatever they are thinking or going through, they are not alone…”
Read More“He bore a cross across his chest, and kept the rest buried beneath…”
Read MoreA striking reflection about growing up.
Read Morea series of film photos by photographer Chloe Powers
Read MoreMixed Spaces is a photo/interview project that will look at the experiences of Mixed individuals (those who identify as having a multi-racial/ethnic/cultural background). The focus of these experiences will be on the spaces and locations where the subject has felt either comfortable or uncomfortable based on how they identify. APPLY HERE!
Read More“There are so many questions I want to ask, yet every person I speak to gives me a different answer…”
Read More“I think a lot of my work does deal with race because a lot of my experiences are informed by race and they're also informed by wanting to fit in or being alienated from a certain environment, or feeling disconnected from this “mother land” that you come from…”
Read More“Headless.exe is an exploration of socially constructed vs assigned identity -- a surreal and unstable experience that many people of color undergo in their lives. using the streets of Akihabara not only as a geographic anchor but an aesthetic one as well, this short film steps into an in-between of reality where anime girls become ephemeral vessels of desire.”
Read More“Because I feared projecting the violent prejudice that society holds against Middle Eastern cultures, I created a negative conception of my own culture internally…”
Read More“If I had to choose my strongest song, I would choose Mars, as it is timely. This song emanates how many in my generation feel about having to live (or die) on Earth in its current environmental condition.”
Read MoreCheck out the new issue of the MixedWorld, highlighting Umi, an amazing book to read, a great documentary, and one of Mixedlife’s best interview pieces.
Read More“I feel like ethnically ambiguous is a blanket racial statement that erases this identity that should be celebrated as opposed to generalized.…It seems like rather than rather than celebrating who you are, you're just ambiguous.” Photo by Taner Tümkaya.
Read More“I see myself looking back at me in a mirror, and sometimes still can’t recognize who I really am. “
Read More“You were brighter than most things, or at least that’s what I thought…”
Read MoreIf you haven’t already make sure to check out Almost Asian, an amazing web-series from inspiring mixed creator Katie Malia! The episode featured here is a special interview with the brilliant Reggie Watts, watch below for crazy conversations, deep insights, and some great music.
Read MoreCheck out what’s been going on in the mixed world! This issue covers Naomi Osaka, the New Zealand “Power of Inclusion Summit”, and more!
Read More“The man on the television screen has little to say but lots to tweet, the woman to my side has words to fill a lake, to flood an entire town…”
Read More“When I am ignorantly told in the UK to go back to your own country, I realize no such “country” exists.”
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