Where I'm From: A Mixed Rendition

My name is Mayzie Angel. I’m 16 years old and I live in Los Angeles California. I am Native American, Latina, and White. This poem is my rendition of George Ella Lyon’s famous poem “Where I’m From” and describes my struggles and acceptance as a mixed person.

Where I’m From: A Mixed Rendition

I am from photo frames,

from road trips with repetitive soundtracks and copious snacks,

I am from backyards barbecues with sparklers and s’mores with bug bites that never seemed to stop itching and ice cream that never seemed to stop dripping.

I am from art projects hanging in the windows to handwritten letters on holidays that never seemed to leave an eye dry.

I am from Church every Sunday and saying the same three prayers in the morning on my way to school. I am from the father, the son, and the holy spirit, Amen.

From from tamales on Christmas time y la vinyls de Eydie Gorme, from Sabor a Mi y Piel Canela.

I’m from the wrinkles and freckles on mi abuela’s skin and tracing them with my fingers.

I'm from tying my hair up when the going gets tough and listening to my dad play the guitar.

I am from “Feliz Navidad” being sung every Christmas Eve and the overwhelming excitement of what was to come the next morning.

I am from curves, but feeling like they were never “in all the right places”.

I am from Wawona in Yosemite California, from Half Dome and El Capitan,

from Nish Lluvel, míyaxwe, and cha pa-i walo

I am from visits to the Gene Autry museum and pow wows with my aunt.

I am from fry bread and being excited by the singular paragraph in school history books about my people.

I am from the constant battle that resides in my heart and the never-ending feeling that it is necessary to

choose a side.

I am from all of these things all at once, and I’m from none of these things at the same time.

I am from a white complexion, but deep roots embedded in culture and heritage.

I am from a social identity that deviates from who I truly am, but aside from who I appear to be- I am mixed and I am me.

WritingAddison LeeComment